Saturday, March 27, 2010

Categories of Kingdom in Church History

Carl Trueman gives five categories for understanding the Kingdom of God throughout the history of the Church. He argues that almost any figure from Church History will fit into one of these categories of understanding. The brief explanations are mine, so don't blame Dr. Trueman if they aren't helpful.

  • Augustinian - Two cities/ Two kingdoms (Augustine, Luther)
  • Constantinian - Sovereignty and Sword of the kingdom given to earthly magistrate
  • Separatist - Grab your belongings and get in the bunker (Anabaptists)
  • Liberationist - The kingdom of God helps the poor, liberating people and society
  • Evangelical - which he calls a non-answer. Evangelicals aren't known for thinking deeply about the kingdom of God

Of course, these categories can and do overlap at certain points. You can listen to the entire lecture or more by Carl Trueman and other Westminster profs (past and present) on the WTS audio resource page. You must register, but all of the material is free for download.


Garrett Conner said...

I believe back in the day we were more in the "Sepratist" sect.

Would you agree?