Sunday, August 29, 2010

Locusts and Wild Honey

Newly Translated Francis Turretin Sermons
The International Center for Reformation Faith and Life have made available two newly translated Francis Turretin sermons into English: The Happiness of the People of God and Jesus' Tears for Jerusalem

Free Audio Book: Tim Keller's Ministries of Mercy
Available for only a couple more days from Christian Audio. Use the coupon AUG2010 and download the book for free. Keller sets out a pretty detailed and practical guide for mercy ministries. His design may not be for every church, but it is helpful in thinking through how to be involved in this area either personally or corporately. His chapter on following up with those we show mercy to is worth the download.

Me Centered Bible Interpretation
Shane Rosenthal of the White Horse Inn on Issues Etc discussing his article "You're Son Vain, You Probably Think this Text is About You."

Horton on Calling 
A great article on Vocation

Why We Memorize the Catechism
There seems to be (at least to me) a catechetical resurgence in the modern church. Some churches have always catechized their members and children but many are doing so who haven't before. It is always encouraging when doctrine replaces the dog and pony show ;)